Our new white wine rack. Needs wine. I just put it together (yes, "I" -- not "we") yesterday.

Our new white table with the perfect cushions to tie in both our dining room and new living room (pictures on blue day), which really are all the same room.

New! In our neighborhood! Blue Marble Ice Cream -- sharing space (including outdoor space that looks beautiful) with NY Explorers (for kids). Genius! Grand Opening Saturday. Here is the store front and the flyer. It should be quite clear what I intend to do on Saturday. I just have to decide if I want to wait for the end of the day to indulge, or be one of the first 100 customers to get free ice cream...

Cheryl's for brunch. Kai and I went today. One of my favorite places -- and it is always too crowded on weekends and closed on Monday so today was the last day we could go before I go back to work. No one else could join us, so it was just Kai and me. He smiled and gazed at the woman next to us, then talked to me and smiled while I ate my pancakes until I got to the last one, at which time he cried as if to say I really didn't need the last one, and then we walked. Good times.

Walls are white, table are white, menu is white. I love the picture of the elephant on the wall.

My version of a perfect day isn't a cloudless day, but one that just has pretty WHITE (not gray) clouds in the sky. Like today.

One of the photos I have framed of me and Derek at our wedding, after our first dance. He dipped me, then "showed" me to the crowd and kissed my hand after we danced to "Come Rain or Come Shine," by Ray Charles. We did quite the fox trot!

Who said firetrucks were all red. Here's a white one. At my sister's wedding. She didn't get married at the firehouse. I have a family full of firemen, and one of my uncles brought it over to her wedding since he was on duty that night.

I love this picture of my sister and dad at her wedding -- with the umbrella to shade her from the sun and the random strangers laughing in the background.

When I realized I was wearing my favorite white sweatshirt -- a hoodie that zips up, and zips down from the bottom, but never unzips all the way so you have to pull it over your head -- I took an iPhoto picture of me and Kai.

And finally, a black and WHITE photo of my dear dog Deucey, who is the opposite of white.

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