Sunday, May 25, 2008


I was going to be creative and funny with Blue. But I am out of steam, and have been feeling blue for some reason today (combination of going back to work, the end of color week, of course, and PMS). So I am going to upload some pictures of our new living room -- with the porcelain blue rug and blue benches we can pull out to use as a coffee table. And maybe a picture of Kai in blue -- he looks so good in blue. And then eat a No Pudge brownie or two or maybe three and then call it a night.

1 comment:

agatha said...

Hey Nikki...sorry your are feeling am tummy isn't very happy, funny that this all happens on blue day...

anyway, I love the new set-up at your house, it looks so nice and have such good taste...

I know next week will be tough for you, I will be thinking about you...just remember, Kai will be fine, kids are amazingly adaptable, and you will be fine you...xo- agatha