Wednesday, January 03, 2007

To Temper My Rosy Suggestions..

Before I went to sleep last night, I was thinking of my last post and thought that it makes my relationship with Derek sound all too perfect. I was explaining this to him - and we both laughed. While all the things I said about him and our 2006 and our relationship is true -- I left out some of the funnier highlights (or lowlights, depending on when the story is told) from 2006. These include our infamous fight a couple months ago that started because I was not so eloquently saying that I was excited for him to get a job - not because of finances or money or anything, but because I know he was looking forward to having one, having structure, and having that day-to-day responsibility. I was just saying that I wanted for him all the things he was wanting. In any event, this came out wrong, we got in a full fledge screaming match (okay, I screamed, he just raised his voice) that all of our neighbors heard. I went out of the apartment to go get our laundry from the basement, and tried to talk myself into apologizing when I got back. But when I did, he was on the phone complaining about me. In my rage, I tried to grab the phone from him and somehow ended up hitting him in the face with that same phone (he claims....but I doubt). In any event, yes, that was a highlight. We laugh at it now, but that day we were both ready to sign divorce papers:)

Oh, and then there was the terrific fight we had in Oregon. He wanted to wear a white t-shirt from Wal Mart (that he would have to go buy) to our friends' rehearsal dinner. Not only do I refuse to go to Wal Mart, but I thought it was totally inappropriate. And I tried to be nice by pointing out how great he looked in the casual but nice clothes that he had that were appropriate for the occasion. This, to him, felt like I was being 'controlling' and telling him what to do. I even admitted that I was sort of telling him what to do, because it was Lauren and Mike's night and I felt I had to do so on behalf of Lauren. I was trying to joke and admit that I was being a bit overbearing but for good reason! This did not go over so well with Derek, and he got pi**ed at me. His voice raised, and I returned the emotion. We got in a huge fight over the lame white undershirts.....The fight ended with me throwing the bedding at him and then calmly calling the front desk to ask if they had an additional room available. They were a bit confused...."We do, actually. Do you guys need to chagne rooms?" I said, "No, we just need an additional room." Then I packed my stuff up and was ready to change rooms and not stay with him. He couldn't believe it - but decided I meant business. I think he wanted to laugh, but he tried to talk me out of it. Finally I said, "One of us has to get out of this room right now. If it is not me, it has to be you." So he left, told the front desk agent we didn't need the additional room, went to Wal*Mart, bought the lame t-shirts, came back to the hotel, apologized to me profusely and told me how lame the t-shirts were and how bad his idea was. We kissed and made up. And he left the t-shirts in Oregon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm CRACKING UP at this post, because I did come and read your New Year's post yesterday, but didn't have time to comment, but I was totally thinking "wow, Derek sounds like the most wonderful guy, I'm so happy that she's so happy". Seriously, that's what I was thinking.

And then I come back and this is the next post. tee hee. Well, he still sounds like a great guy. And I won't shop at Walmart either. Or I really, really try not to (it's hard when they have the organic mac n cheese that my kids like for 1.97, and the only other place to get it around here is at Whole Foods for almost 4 dollars a box. But I STILL almost always boycott them. Unless I'm really desperate.)

Rich and I had some great fights. My favorite was when I threw his favorite Playstation game off our 3rd story balcony when we were first married and threatened to throw the entire game system next, because he was totally addicated to playing it and wouldn't help me with household chores.