Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Overdose of pictures

Here are some pictures we took over the weekend....trying to get a good family portrait was no easy task. My theory, the more you take, the better your chances of liking just one!!! We ended up liking quite a few, and some even have some personality:)



Anonymous said...

I loved all the pics! I was giggling at all the early dog shots and there you are, playing and smiling and Derek just looks so bemused in the middle of it all. Like, "what am I doing in the middle of this situation?" Your condo looks fabulous! Fun seeing a part of your life. :)

Tracy said...

ditto to everything Tracey said. You are so pretty and Derek very handsome! I love a lot of the whole family together. I laughed when the 2 furry children were at each other with there mouths. That is the way my dogs used to be.

Have a great day.

Nikki said...

Side benefits of this blog...receiving so many nice compliments from you guys:) Thanks!

The pics are true depictions of our life with Butter & Deuce. They are constantly playing, and always show off if we have visitors or a camera:)

Enjoy Thanksgiving!